Swift + Firebase Masterclass
Firebase is a versatile cloud platform developed by Google, offering a range of services and tools to simplify app development across different platforms. It provides features like real-time databases, authentication, cloud storage, and analytics, making it a one-stop solution for developers to efficiently manage the backend aspects of their applications.
Firebase is exceptionally helpful in iOS applications due to its seamless integration, real-time capabilities, and a comprehensive suite of services. Swift developers can leverage Firebase's database to create interactive, collaborative, and data-driven apps, which is particularly advantageous for features like live chats or collaborative editing. Firebase's authentication services simplify user management and security, while cloud functions enable the serverless execution of code, enhancing the efficiency of iOS apps. With Firebase, developers can offload many backend tasks, allowing them to focus on creating engaging and user-centric experiences in their iOS applications without the burden of complex infrastructure management.
How this course works
This is a free course hosted on YouTube. There are 22 videos in this series, which are approximately 40 minutes each. You can view the full playlist here or continue below.
Let's jump in...
Now that we're connected to Firebase, let's set up user authentication. This is how we can sign users in and out of your application. After a user gets authenticated, we will have their "user id", which is a unique identifier for each user. We'll start with sign in using email and password.
Next, let's add Sign In With Google capabilities to our application.
And any iOS application must have Sign In With Apple as well!
Before we move on, let's also look at Firebase's "anonymous" sign in feature. This can let us authenticate users into our application without requiring them to make an account.
Great job so far! Now that we have users signed in to the application, we need to set up their user profiles in our database. We're going to use Firebase's Cloud Firestore for this.
Firestore also has come more advanced features that enable us to more conveniently fetch and save data from our database.
That was a lot! I hope you're still with me. Trust me, this will all come in handy when you start building your next application. There's a few more Firestore features we need to know before moving on.
Next, let's take a look at adding Security Rules to our database. This is an extra layer of protection that we want to add onto our database to prevent unwanted reads or writes.
One data type that we want save in the Firestore database is an image. For larger files, we will instead save them into Firebase Storage. This is perfect for images, videos, audio files, etc.
Great job! We're in the final stretch of the course. Now that we're set up, let's take a look at how we can monitor app performance, crashes, and usage.
Now you're an expert on Firebase!
I hope this FREE course was worth your time and helped you on your journey to becoming an expert iOS developer! If you enjoyed it, please don't forget to follow us on YouTube!
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